The South Australian Family Law Pathways Network (SAFLPN) is a coordinated network of organisations and professionals operating in the broader family law system in South Australia. The goal of the SAFLPN is to foster dialogue and collaboration between service providers to assist separating and separated families to access services in metropolitan Adelaide, as well in larger regional centres in South Australia.
The SAFLPN is managed and coordinated by a Senior Coordinator/Project Officer who is responsible for delivering information to the network through regular communication and events. The SAFLPN also provides cross sectoral training on a regular basis and hosts events, forums, workshops and seminars to assist in information sharing and networking opportunities for the legal and non-legal sectors.
The SAFLPN aims to connect organisations, professionals and stakeholders working within the system and provide them with up to date information about family law services, including family counselling, family dispute resolution, parenting courses and other services.
The SAFLPN consists of a three tiered structure: the Steering Committee, the membership, and a broader network of family law service providers who receive and participate in regular communication:
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee consists of the representatives of organisations elected from the membership to guide the operation of the SAFLPN. This includes approving and managing the work plan and promoting the SAFLPN’s collaborative ethos within the broader family law sector.
The SAFLPN membership
The SAFLPN membership consists of organisations and peak bodies operating in the sector who share the SAFLPN’s philosophy and who are committed to attending monthly meetings and contributing to the SAFLPN’s activities generally. Major activities include preparing service directories and other resources, distributing a newsletter, and hosting regular training and networking forums.
The SA Family Law Pathways Network has also developed a specialised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sub-Committee to provide support and information for professionals who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients around the State.
The broader network
The broader network is made up of a large number of individuals, professionals & stakeholders who have subscribed to our newsletters, and who are involved in or who have an interest in finding out about services and information regarding the family law system and affiliated services.
Steering Committee Members
Ashley Kent (Chairperson)
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
(Representing the Family Law Committee, Law Society of South Australia)
Ruth Beach
Senior Coordinator, SA Family Law Pathways
Jill De Boo
Senior Court Child Expert, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Stephen Bourne
Manager Family Law Division Legal Services Commission
Michael Hawke
Manager Family Relationships, Anglicare SA
Rebecca Holden
Acting Practice Lead Court Team, Department for Child Protection
Virginia Leeuwenburg
Executive General Manager, Relationships Australia SA
Sharon Lucas
Duty Solicitor, Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
Helen McMullan
Service Manager Family Relationships Centre Noarlunga, Uniting Communities
Sinead O’Callaghan
Assistant Manager, Port Augusta and Far North, Centacare Catholic Family Services
To find out more about becoming a SAFLPN member, please send an email to the Senior Coordinator by emailing