Grandcarers SA
Grandcarers SA
We believe that all children and young people have the right to a safe, secure and nurturing family environment where the role of Grandcarer (grandparent and kinship carers of their family’s children) is recognised, supported and valued.
To achieve this, we assist Grandcarers to access and care for their children by providing them with information, support and advocacy, including:
- Practical advice and referrals
- Financial assistance through our Education and Development Fund
- Mobile Outreach and Village Support Program
- Sector advocacy
- Telephone support service.
Phone: 0882121937
Email address:
Visit website
9.30 am - 4.00 pm Monday to Thursday
This is a free service.
Grandparent and kinship primary carers looking for support, particularly those with informal care.
Self-referral or via other agencies.
Primary Location
30 Pitt St, Adelaide SA, Australia
30 Pitt St, Adelaide SA, Australia