KidsAreFirst and Banana Splitz

KidsAreFirst provides support for all caregivers in separated families, especially (but not only) in the context of high conflict. The court may order caregivers to attend the course.  In addition, the service is open to all separated families. It is an open, non-judgmental space to explore the impact of the separation on all involved and […]

Noarlunga Family Relationship Centre

The Noarlunga Family Relationship Centre provides: 1. Children Mediation – care arrangements for your children 2. Child Inclusive Mediation – with both parents consent your child can meet with a Child Consultant to talk about their experiences of separation to help you make informed decisions around the best interests of your child 3. Property Mediation […]

Port Augusta Children’s Centre

The Centre provides the following services: Short-term counselling to identify and respond to personal issues. Connecting families with appropriate services dealing with: domestic violence; housing; drug and alcohol problems; mental health and follow up; and advocacy. Parenting programs with a focus on relationships, social and emotional well being and trauma, such as the Circle of […]

The Port Augusta Family Relationship Centre

The Centre offers a range of services to families affected by separation and divorce to assist and support them in reaching a decision about arrangements for their children and property settlement. To help families avoid the cost and stress of going to court, our qualified and accredited practitioners provide the following: Suitable referrals to appropriate […]

Children’s Contact Services

The Children’s Contact Service (CCS) is a child safe, child focused service which provides a family friendly facility to help children maintain or develop a positive, meaningful relationship with the parent or family member that they do not live with. The service can facilitate supervised changeovers and supervised contact visits at a safe and neutral […]

Children’s Counselling – post seperation

Our focus is for healthy relationships through supporting positive communication and strengthening family connections. We can support children with: • improving self esteem; • coping with change; • understanding and managing emotions; • coping with parental separation; • general mental health; • supporting resilience; and • promoting healthy relationships.

Family Relationship Centre’s Mount Gambier Family Relationship Centre offers a range of services to the Limestone Coast region including, but not limited to: family mediation, both property and child(ren); child inclusive practitioner; family and relationship counselling; children’s contact service; family reunification; family early intervention; post-separation parenting programs; men’s behaviour change; bringing up great kids; circle of security; […]

iKiDs (Supporting Children and Young People After Separation)

iKiDs (I Know I Do) is about helping children to understand, to express themselves and to participate in the decisions that impact on them. Parental separation can be hard for children and young people, as well as for the adults involved. It requires a major adjustment in children’s lives – not only are they often […]